Building SHO Farm

(Formally named teal farm)


SHO Farm

“SHO is a future-looking farm, wildlife preserve, and residence seeking to prototype agriculture, building systems, and energy systems capable of meeting regional needs within the tumultuous conditions of climate change, food insecurity, and an oil-dependent global economy.”

That’s pretty much how we described the project back in 2004 when it all began. To this day, SHO incorporates energy systems, green building techniques, and a perennial food system into one expression of living systems design. The integrated systems here at SHO continue to teach us important lessons…living with them for over 15 years, learning what works and what doesn’t work, learning what we would do differently, what we would replicate. This wisdom and experience endures to help others build with a tangible example of what integrated design — and a living future— might look like.

SHO now focusses on wildlife-assisted wild-and-domestic food systems, with an emphasis on perennial fruits, nuts, brewing crops, wild staples, and medicinals—with a sophisticated regional cuisine to accompany them.